Hey there lovely readers,
My name is Mess and I’m from Algeria, which is a beautiful country in North Africa, in case you were wondering. I have been living in Japan since October 2019. I moved here after I got a teaching position with GABA, and I’m now based in the Nagoya LS.
My journey started when I got my GABA sponsored visa and bought a one way ticket to Japan, because why not?
To be honest, when I decided to come to Japan, I had no idea what it’d be like living abroad since this was my first time overseas! On the plane, I was more excited than scared! I was daydreaming about my life here the whole flight, which took about 15 hours by the way. My family were worried about me though, because Japan is basically on the other side of the planet.
Luckily, GABA had recommendations so I could easily find a place to stay, and checked in throughout the relocation process. However, registering myself at the city hall (address, health insurance and pension) and opening a Japanese bank account was quite the challenge because I don’t speak Japanese! However, the staff were really helpful, and they went out of their way to make sure there were no mistakes in my process.
Fast forward to today, and you know what? I’ve been having the best time of my life here! … If we ignore the pandemic. Japan is a fascinating country, there is a lot to do and many places to be. And the best part is, since I’m teaching Japanese people, I get recommendations from the locals! My clients always give me ideas on what to do next, and share their own experiences with me. And on that note, I have to give credit to GABA’s flexible schedule, I wouldn’t be able to visit such enchanting places without having enough time to enjoy everything to the fullest.
I haven’t had the chance to explore all parts of Japan yet, so I’ll be sticking around for a while to enjoy what this wonderland has to offer.
About the author:
Thank you for stopping by, I’m Mess from Algeria and I’ve been living in Japan since October 2019. I love traveling around Japan and trying different delicious local cuisines. And, of course, taking beautiful pictures of the places I’ve been to! I can’t wait to see where my feet take me next!